The Best Mannequin Heads

If you are a hairstylist or a makeup artist, then you know that a good mannequin head is important. Whether you're demonstrating lash or contour techniques or making a new wig for display, have no doubt about it: you're going to need one. While learning how to style hair, having a head full of hair that you can practice on is also a requirement. We know it can be hard to find a quality mannequin head, so we're here to help. Here are a few of the best mannequin heads available today.
What to Look For
Looking for the perfect mannequin head is more of an art than a science. Still, there are a few universal qualities to look for in a good mannequin head: true-to-life dimensions, a durable construction, and a stable base. During our search, we learned that hairstylists and makeup artists love Gex’s Blockhead mannequin head for a few reasons. For starters, its quality is top-notch. And since it doesn’t come with hair attached, you can pin on any wig you want and simply swap it out for another when you feel like it. But some may prefer to buy a mannequin wig with hair already attached. In that case, we’d point you to Headstar’s cosmetology mannequin, whose synthetic fiber hair is great for hairstylists in training. To discover the rest of our favorite mannequin heads, simply keep on reading.
Headstar Cosmetology Mannequin Head
Looking to practice on a mannequin with synthetic hair? This one is offered in five different color options: including blonde, black, and a vibrant, multi-colored variety. Offering 26 to 28 inches in hair length from the forehead to the bottom, this one is great if you’re a cosmetologist-in-training. On the other hand, if you’re more of a hobbyist interested in practicing your braiding, curling, and straightening techniques, this one works well for that, too.
- For a lifelike mannequin head with a full head of hair, this represents a great value for the price.
- The hair is made of high-quality, heat-resistant synthetic fibers, so you can use curling irons and straighteners on it without worrying about it melting.
- This is a perfect gift for both cosmetology students and for young girls who want to practice braiding.
- With extended use, some of the hair is bound to fall out.
Gex Cork Canvas Blockhead Mannequin Head
A blank slate
Are you looking for a mannequin head that allows you to create specialty wigs or display them? Do you prefer a block you can pin and poke without the fear of it needing to be trashed after? If so, you may want to go with this option from Gex. You can even use it to show off custom hats or headphones. This mannequin head is the best for when you enjoy making or customizing your own wigs. You can pin it, clip it, and pull at it. It won’t matter. Best of all, this head will last for years if you treat it well.
- We love that this head comes in a huge range of sizes, allowing you to find one that’s perfectly suited to your needs.
- Because it’s made of high-quality cork, this head is not only great for making wigs but also for fitting hats, headphones, and more.
- Because it’s just a plain, clothed piece of cork, it won’t look too out of place in a craftsman’s shop.
- While the design is an advantage for some people, this head doesn’t have a face, so it can be harder for a beginner to gauge placement.
Hairgingko 100% Real Hair Training Mannequin Head
Train with a mane
If you’re looking for a training mannequin head that has hair you can dye and treat with chemicals, then the Hairginkgo 100% Real Hair Training Mannequin Head is one of the best choices you can make. This mannequin head has real hair so you can easily lighten it, dye it, iron it, and curl it. Relax it straight or perm it curly — it’s all up to you. This mannequin head comes in several color and texture options, making it ideal for anyone. There is also an included clamp to help you keep it still while you work.
- Unlike many other, cheaper heads on the market, this one actually features real hair, allowing you to dye and style it as you would a real human.
- We love that this comes with a table clamp, which can keep it secure while we’re working on it.
- This is one of the best mannequins we’ve found for practicing braiding styles and up-dos.
- Of all the available hair types, none are very curly.
Smilco Styrofoam Mannequin Head Wig Stands
Three heads are better than one
If you’re looking for a set of basic and affordable mannequin heads that’ll hold your wigs for display or styling, then this is a great choice. The styrofoam wig heads do everything you need them to. In addition to having the perfect shape to hold your wig in place and prevent any deformities, you can also use pins in them to hold your wigs in place while you style them. All in all, this set is great for anyone with a wig collection because it is both affordable and versatile.
- While we’d be afraid to travel with most mannequin heads out there, these are made of lightweight foam that you can take anywhere.
- This three-pack is truly a great value, making it a good choice for students or other stylists on a budget.
- It is not as durable as a cork or plastic wig head.
Lashview Cosmetology Mannequin Head
Practice makes perfect
Makeup is an art. Nobody can just walk into a makeup store or a salon and pull off the perfect winged liner and lashes. That’s why we love Lashview’s mannequin head. It is specially shaped to make it easy to put in front of you on a table or other surface so that it won’t slip and slide around while you work. Once you have this mannequin head in front of you, you will realize that it looks and feels very similar to a real face. It is made of soft silicone which makes it very easy to practice different makeup techniques with the give and take of the real thing.
- The rubber skin on this seems eerily realistic, which makes it great for makeup artists, salon stylists, and even aspiring masseuses.
- We appreciate that it comes in both light and dark skin tones.
- Given the quality of this head, it’s surprisingly affordable.
- Some types of makeup can leave stains, especially on the lighter skin version.
Our Tips and Tricks
Which material is best?
Whether you’re a hairstylist, a makeup artist, a hat maker, or even just a shop owner who wants to display jewelry and other wares, a mannequin head will help you take your craft to the next level. But this isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of product — mannequin heads come in many different sizes, shapes, and styles, and which one is right for you will depend on your specific goals and purposes. If you are doing makeup, for example, a head made of silicone or latex is best, since it will give you a realistic surface on which to experiment. If you’re making wigs or even hats, you’re going to want to go with a high-quality cork head, which will allow you to pin the headpiece to the mannequin for proper fitting. And if you’re a stylist (or a stylist-in-training), you will want one with hair for obvious reasons.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are mannequin heads used for?
Mannequin heads can be used for display, wig-making, practicing hairstyling, or practicing makeup. They’re pretty versatile, so there are other unconventional uses, as well. To a degree, you’re only limited by your creativity.
Why does having real or synthetic hair matter?
Synthetic hair is cheaper and lasts a long time, but it can’t be used for chemicals or high heat. Real hair can be used for almost any reason, but it is very expensive when compared to synthetic hair options.
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